Saturday 24 March 2012


Man's mind is driven according to his desires and thus he starts to create likely environments. Definitely giving up the evil ideas are strenuous, but not impossible.

Sacred thoughts makes desired impressions on one's mind, the mind is cleansed up and thoughts are driven again to go upwardly. Mind is  the man's servant who fulfills his desires. As man makes a desire, mind is driven accordingly and thus starts to create environments just like his thoughts.Mind is yours most trustworthy and advantageous friend. Definitely giving up the evil ideas are very strenuous, but not impossible. Good offices are required at the same proportion of the distortions. If one desires to get rid of long nurtured distortions in a little span of time, he makes mistake. Hard and determined practices are needed for the complete ablution of mind from old and deep deformities. Keep practicing regularly and you will see that within a year your mind is becoming auspicious - in reality it is the true essence of life. For your mind's complete ablution and making your thoughts auspicious, not only work with your mental power but also include your karma - shakti i.e. holy deeds towards yourself, society and humanity. There is a saying - 
                                  " One which drenches the ships is called storm,
                                     And one who challenges the storms is called man. "

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